How to speed up WordPress for mobile?

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How to speed up WordPress for mobile?

The most important thing about WordPress is speeding up its load times for mobile devices, as it is the only thing you can do easily to optimization of your mobile. It doesn’t matter if you have the most responsive or the most attractive designs or the most effective content when your site takes time in loading. People using the sites on mobile devices simply don’t wait for your site to complete the loading process and after 2 or 3 seconds, they’ll get irritated and moves to your rival’s site.

There are many benefits of speeding up your site as it can decrease the bounce rates and can increase your sales, making a considerable impact on the performance of your site. The decrease in speed of your site depends upon a wide variety of aspects from hosting to caching from site error to site management.

You will be able to improve your website speed on mobile, regardless of what industry you are in, this article will let you know everything about increasing speed in WordPress.

Why should you speed up WordPress?

There are a dozen reasons that initially won’t stress but can affect the performance and quality of your website, some of which are written below:

  • Websites are being ranked by search engines including Google, Bing, etc based on speed as fast-loading websites are higher than slow-loading ones. That’s why if you want to increase your rank, you have to improve your speed.
  • People tend to be attracted to sites that have a loading speed of less than 2 seconds and it is said that usually the bouncing off is caused by a slow loading rate, so if you want your visitors to be interested in your site then you should speed up WordPress.
  • The most impatient of your visitors are online buyers, as they expect the page to be loaded within a few seconds. That’s why it is said that people running eCommerce businesses to improve the speed of their WordPress as it will be more profitable for them later.

Ways to speed up WordPress for mobile

1. Remove any unnecessary content

Tech researchers say that users mostly dislike the waiting part of loading pages on a site, especially when they are using mobiles. Also, they want the sites to implement their action faster. For these kinds of issues, you can take some simple measures including removing or stripping out content that is of no use and limiting the page size.

You can also use a WordPress plugin named WP Mobile Detect that allows you to hide content for mobile devices.

2. Simplify your design

Another reason for the slow loading speed of your site is highly sophisticated designs that take time to load. Undoubtedly, those designs look attractive but can cause frustration to your visitors, for that you have to simplify your designs. Most people attach small images on their webpages for icons, buttons, animations, etc to give it an appealing look but the lesser you know is they can create complexity on your site, as all of these elements can increase page size and a separate HTTP request is required for each of them to render a page. That’s why to keep your webpage as lighter and less complex as possible. You can just give it a minimal look so that it won’t slow down page load time.

There is a tip that you can do initially to reduce loading time; you can decrease the number of components on every page so that lesser HTTP requests are made as compared to the complex site. Also, if you are using separate Png, Jpeg or Gif images for icons, buttons, etc then switch to CSS or SVG which will load your website faster keeping the page size and image request down.

3. Keep your WordPress plugins updated

It is said that using many plugins can create security issues, lowers the speed, and can cause other technical problems. So, the first and most important thing you should do when you see any unusual slowdown on your site is to update the old plugins. You should also keep the plugins you need for your website to function and remove or disable the unnecessary ones.

You should check the activation rate of WordPress plugins again and again so that it cannot harm the site speed.

4. Enable a caching plugin

When you land on a mobile website for the first time, you must know that the elements on that page are being stored on your visitor’s device. After that whenever that particular page is being loaded, the loaded speed and page size connectivity is much faster, and fewer HTTP requests are made to access the animations. The reason behind it is that content is already loaded and stored, as your browser creates a duplicate of the elements after loading any page for the first time and offering the other version to the user after then, this is known as caching.

To reduce the loading time and to enable browser caching you can simply use WordPress plugins such as W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, or WP Super Cache, which are the most widely used all over the world.

You have to remember that if your site is slowed down because of the installation of many plugins then these caching plugins will not be able to solve your problem. As you have to reduce the amount of unnecessary plugins to solve that problem.


The smartest thing to do in this fast-moving world is to improve the speed of your WordPress website on mobile so that visitors can be easily engaged with your website’s content portably while doing their other tasks.

More advanced tactics are made to increase mobile speed optimization. But if you are a non-technical person the above-mentioned simple measures are enough to make a major impact on the speed and performance of your site and your visitor’s experience of mobile browsing. You just need to keep it simple.