All About Embedding a YouTube Video

Embedding means on YouTube that you can put up your videos and their links on your website or any other social media sites

All About Embedding a YouTube Video

Embedding means on YouTube that you can put up your videos and their links on your website or any other social media sites. It is an option which makes it simple for the viewers of your website or any other site so that they can watch those videos directly from there rather than visiting YouTube. This feature brings more and more viewers and audiences to their channels.

YouTube provides embed code for users to place their videos on the external website or social sites.

Why does YouTube allow embedding?

YouTube allows for the embedding of videos because:

  • Content creators can watch your videos and it's not just the site that helps it get watched (the homepage, the search engine, suggested videos, hashtags, etc.) your faithful viewers can assist in sharing and spreading your videos around the globe.
  • It allows embedding of videos so you can watch any content anywhere on any website, blog or social media site on any device without needing to leave the page you’re at.
  • YouTube generally wins when content creators win and there are millions and billions of views on a single video because if content creators are getting a heavy load of the audience on their videos via the platform of YouTube, they will continue to choose YouTube for their business. The embedded player indeed has advertisements and content creators earn money from those embedded ads too, they get paid no matter where their content is being watched.

Embedding videos is just like creating links back to your site which incorporates your videos into search engine results and you ultimately get more views. It helps your videos reach the audience which is not accessible at YouTube hence the world outside YouTube gets to watch the content you made. Suppose if you embed a video at a site with lots of traffic or in a social media site there are stupendous chances for the video to get shared and simultaneously viewed by a diverse group of viewers thus acquiring reach and adulation.

Why some YouTubers have disabled embedding?

Many YouTubers earn a living through YouTube channels and the videos they make but some sites deploy their scripts which disable ads and monetization for embedded videos, some content creators wish to restrict their videos to YouTube only. Even if monetization is not a part of the equation there is no telling where your content might show up. There is often a good reason to avoid your content associated with certain others.

The benefits of having a video on your site outweigh any negative points of that video being a YouTube video. Embedding a YouTube video can make your brand suffer when a website of an exceptional brand will contain an incredible design, gleaming, stylish and easy to navigate website and then holds an embedded YouTube video, it disrupts the entire cohesive look and feel of the site.

How to embed a YouTube video:

Embedding a YouTube video is easy, initially, just find the video that you'd like to embed. Once you've found it, click on share. Within share, you're going to click on embed. Then it gives you an automatically generated HTML embed code that you can embed with. You can change the video size to a few different sizes, you can also make a custom size. All you have to do is click once, it highlights the embed code automatically, right-click, click on copy or press CTRL+C. Then go over to your post. Whether you use WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, or any other blogging platform, go there, once you're in your post, make sure you're in the text editor, not the visual, and right-click, click on paste or CTRL+V. Once you're done doing this and you're ready to publish your post, click on Update. Give it a few seconds to post. Now, it's ready, all you have to do is click on View Post and there you see your video embedded into your post, you can do this for any YouTube video and with any blogging platform. That’s how to embed a YouTube video!

As of late YouTube changed the way their install codes take a shot at outsider locales. It happened discreetly, and without many declarations yet it’s fairly a significant move in how YouTube inserts carry on so it would be wise to investigate how this changes your locales association with YouTube and how you may use video embeds pushing ahead.

Two of the original four embed code control options are now erased including the all-important ‘Show suggested videos when the video finishes.” Unchecking the ‘Show suggested videos’ option used to ensure your video just ended and it would not show any links to videos that are available on other sites. That’s not how it works anymore. What is the big deal with that? All things considered, it implies that embedding videos into your site, you have quite recently lost a simple method to control whether related videos appear to the client after the video you inserted has completed the process of playing. Related video connections can cause you an issue that you enable them to trigger free. You probably won't understand it, however, YouTube will pick related videos and customize based on an individual's preference and viewed content which is analogous to what an individual last watched.

Is it legal to embed a YouTube video?

Providing a regular link to a YouTube video is not encroaching on any copyright laws because the video does not appear on your site. Similarly, without asking for the permission of the owner you can post links.

If you provide a regular link to a law breaching YouTube video (i.e. a video that is placed on YouTube without the consent of the owner of the video), then this issue becomes fuzzier because the infringing video should not have been on YouTube and when you post a link to that particular video, it will appear as distribution of a video which violating copyright laws.